March 27, 2020
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Days of Life: 002

Raw photos straight from the phone.

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5 Lessons Learned in 5 Years of Entrepreneurship

1. (Team + Culture) * Execution = Outcomes. Pay close attention to team, culture, and your execution quality. From what I’ve experienced in my time working with teams I’ve learned that there are three, high-level critical factors that are the foundation of either good or bad outcomes with the team over time; the team, its culture, and its execution. I see outcomes as being heavily influenced through:(Team + Culture) * Execution = Outcome...

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Using Atomic Design

UX/UI design can get incredibly messy with even small projects. To help keep things organized, I utilize a design system called Atomic Design which was invented by Brad Frost.As with many other designers, I’ve made my own modifications to Atomic Design. In the content below, I’ll talk about how I work with this design system...

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How to Make Your Startup look like a Fortune 500 Company

Everyone loves great design whether they know it or not. At the core, design passively influences decision making which means that your designs can determine your business’s fate. Bold claim? Nope. Think about it like this: you are researching the best CMS software for your sales team and run across a startup that claims to have the best CMS product that has EVER been invented because of its advanced machine learning, AI, and (insert cliche startup tech here). BUT, their website, marketing materials, and branding look like they've hired an intern, blindfolded them, and promoted them to lead designer. Subconsciously, you’ve immediately judged the quality of this startup’s product as soon as you’ve seen how they present themselves through...

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