April 10, 2022
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Pitch Deck Handbook: Why Now Slide


The Why Now Slide is built to make it clear why this business/solution should be built and launched at the current moment in time. It typically includes; Quantified metrics and/or facts/logic as to why now is the right time. The Why Now Slide can be placed either after you introduce your solution or just before you introduce your solution.

Purpose of the Why Now Slide

Market timing is crucial for a successful business. You must show investors why building and releasing your solution now is the right time to do so.

For example, you wouldn’t want to release a wireless charger targeted at the average consumer with a phone when wireless charging has just been invented.

The purpose of the Why Now Slide is to illustrate why you are building your company now based on changing markets, technologies, etc.

Info and Content to Include

Should be included in the Why Now Slide:
  • Quantified metrics as to why now is the right time
  • Facts/Logic as to why now is the right time

Why Now Slide Locations in a Pitch Deck

Potential Locations:
  • … > Business Model > Why Now > …
  • … > Solution > Why Now > Business Model > …
  • … > Problem > Why Now > Solution > …

Find more slides and learn more about the Pitch Deck Handbook here.

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