May 23, 2022
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Pitch Deck Handbook: Market Slide


The Market Slide is designed to make the solution’s market opportunity clear to investors. It should include; TAM, SAM, SOM, and CAGR. The Market Slide is typically located after the Traction Slide or the Why Now Slide.

Example Market Slide

Purpose of the Market Slide

Now that you’ve made your problem, solution, business model, and why now clear, you need to paint the “big picture” opportunity. This is what you should be aiming to do with a market slide.

The purpose of the market slide is to paint a big picture of the total market opportunity as well as the point where the company will begin to penetrate that market.

Info and Content to Include

Should be included in the Market Slide:

Can be included in the Market Slide:

Market Slide Locations in a Pitch Deck

Potential Locations:

Find more slides and learn more about the Pitch Deck Handbook here.

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